- A mask is required to be worn at all times by all attendees. Actors are allowed to remove their mask during ADR sessions.
- Hands must be sanitized before entering and exiting the studio.
- Temperatures are taken on-site before entry into the studio by our COVID COMPLIANCE officer.
- Self-Test Questionnaires will be emailed the day before the session and must be received the day of the session by all attendees and talent.
- Industry Protocols specify no open beverage containers are allowed on the stage. Consumption of the beverage must happen off the stage and in a common area.
- No Open Food Containers / Shared Meals.
- Each stage has its own HVAC system that are negative pressure and independent. (Air is never shared between stages and common areas in the studio.)
- Hi Touch areas (bathrooms and common areas) will be sanitized a minimum of once an hour but typically, multiple times each hour and / or as each room or hi-touch surface is used.
- Only essential KSW personnel and clients will be allowed in the studio.
- All guests / clients and employees of KSW are required to wear masks at all times except when recording ADR.
- A COVID Self Test Questionnaire will be sent to all employees, guests and actors 24 hours prior to the scheduled session and must be returned 24 hours prior to the session date. The forms will be kept on digital file.
- Hands must be sanitized before entering the studio and before exiting the studio.
- The temperature of all guests and actors will be taken and recorded immediately upon entering the studio.
- A Sanitation Station is available upon entrance and exit of the studio. Available Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes an Infrared Forehead Thermometer Gun, Disposable Hand Wipes, a Touch-less Hand Sanitizer Machine, Disposable Gloves, Masks and Tissues.
- Social Distancing will be observed at all times with social distancing circles and taped off seating areas visible throughout the studio and stages.
- Sanitization / cleaning of any and all shared audio equipment, including ADR microphones, will be cleaned before, between and after each session wrap including all hard surfaces and furniture on the stage.
- A Germ Guardian True HEPA Air Purifier with UV Light Sanitizer will be used before, between and after each session. Based on room size there may be as many as four purifiers on the stage. (The Germ Guardian cleans 4x per hour at max speed in medium to large rooms.) All KSW stages are equipped with their own HVAC systems.
- Sanitization of any and all facility high-touch surfaces will be conducted throughout the day using VeriClean UV Portable Wands and EPA-registered disinfectants. Any shared materials (paper / plastic sheet covers / pencils) will be disinfected by a KSW staff member wearing disposable gloves and a mask before, between and after each session. KSW bathrooms are cleaned every 30 minutes. Doorknobs are cleaned as guests enter and exit the studio, restrooms and stages.
- For Principal ADR sessions, actors should be scheduled / staggered 30 minutes between sessions to allow for sanitizing between sessions.
- We have two options for Loop Group recording. Our Van Nuys studio has four individual booths. The actors can see picture, hear and communicate with the other actors, mixer and ADR Supervisor. The ADR stage will be sanitized between each recording. Group actors will have the option of sitting in several different rooms between recordings for social distancing best practices. The ADR Mixer will be responsible for microphone placement and set-up.
- Cue sheets will be singular use only (one per actor) and placed on the cue sheet stand prior to the actor’s arrival. Disposable Gloves will be available to the actor as part of KSW’s complimentary PPE. Individual cue sheets will be distributed to group actors.
- For playbacks, remote playbacks are preferred. On-site playbacks will be limited to 3 people per playback with a one-hour break between.
- No open beverages are allowed on the stages at any time. Guests and crew will need to step into an isolated area to hydrate.